Petition! Start Here:
- If Petition is not available, Use skip or use Contact form or other Contact Info. .
- Once you send out this petition, go to Contact Page #078
#N/AWhen Done sending this petition go here: Contact Page #078
If an Email Petition isn’t available, Use the Web Contact Form
This company may not have provided Mad As Hell with an Email for direct contact. if that is the case, you will have to go to their web contact form to tell them you are Mad As Hell. RT Click on the link below and open in a new tab.
Rt click and open the link below in a browser tab or window.
Find the contact page, the link may only get you close.
Fill in the cells on their Web Contact form.
Use and copy the Text below the Contact form link as a guide.
Contact form
Suggested Text for Web Contact Form:
(Copy and Paste the text below)
Your product(s) appear on one or more Boycott lists at MadAsHellBoycott.com. Please support our cause of removing political bias by omission from the evening news programs by moving your ads off of ABC, NBC, and CBS evening news time slots. For more information please visit www.madashellboycott.com
Prevnar 20
Parent Company:
Contact the Company, Tell Them You’re MAD:
- Start with Petition (Email) Form below if available:
- Then use Web Contact Form or their Social pages
- Be Polite
- Ask them to move their ads off of ABC, NBC, and CBS News time slots, NOT the Channels. It is OK to stay on the Channels.
- Please move their ads to a different time slot, on the same channel.
- We want the news to be presented fairly, without Bias by Omission.
Additional Contact Info:
Prevnar 20
Pneumococcal pneumonia injection medication
Parent Company:
Total times the ad was run: 1
Total time in seconds: 60
Product Web Site : Web Site
Company Web Site: Web Site
Web Contact Form: Contact form
Twitter : Twitter Facebook: facebook
Instagram: Instagram Pinterest:
YouTube: youtube Google+:
LinkedIn: LinkedIn Flicker:
Mailing Address
Company: Pfizer
add1: 235 East 42nd Street
add 2:
City, St Zip: NY, NY 10017
Phone: 212-733-2323
When Done sending this petition go here: Contact Page #078