Excuse #1 – I already boycott the news!

Traditional Boycotts are not working!

I have got to ask you, how is that boycott working for you?  Millions of people have already quit watching Liberal News channels because of their bias. A traditional Not Watching you boycott has not and will not work. The News programs are still getting viewers and they are still getting the advertising dollars.

Individually we can all scream at them as much as we want, the News Programs will simply continue to ignore us.

StopMediaBiasNow.com has an infallible plan that unites all our voices and united we can not be ignored.

Excuse #2 – I don’t know what to do!

Or even worse, I can’t do anything!

That is OK, we have a plan. (click this link for the plan)

Our plan teaches you what to do and is infallible. It will work, takes minutes a week and easy to follow. Not like the traditional boycott it is much better.

Excuse #3 – I don’t have the time!

You Would be WRONG!  5 min every two weeks is all it takes.

Stop MEDIA BIAS NOW does all the work for you. We collect the shows, tabulate the data, find the emails addresses and create sample petitions for you.  If you have 5 minutes every two weeks, you can take advantage of our 2 step email process which sends out hundreds of emails all addressed to the advertisers from the data we collected.

We do the work for you, but can’t send the petitions. Sorry, George Jetson!   😉

Excuse #4 – You are just collecting my data!

We are not Collecting your Data!

We are not Selling your Data!

The ONLY purpose of this site is to Stop MEDIA Bias NOW! I will not sell your information to anyone, you will not get spammed by this site by advertisement.

Rest assured, we are doing everything we can to protect your data from being used against you.


Get Reminders when the site is updated and new bulk emails need to be sent out. There are new lists every two weeks.