The Assassins bullet was not aimed so much at President Trump as it was aimed at Americas Hopes, Desires, and Dreams of Making America Great Again.
Make no mistake, that the hatred was created and fueled by last 8 years of constant HATRED spewed out of the Mainstream Media.
President Trump asked:
How Do You Fight Fake News?
Take these 3 Simple Steps
Step 1
So Easy You Will Forget to Come Back
(Sight updated every two weeks)
Step 2
Tell them ! They will never get it if you don’t.
They won’t connect the dots without this step.
Step 3
Stop Funding the Companies Who are Slitting Your Throat by Funding Fake News !

Last Two Weeks
(01/27/25 to 02/09/25)
6 Sponsors And
99 Companies Ran
605 Ads For
153 Products
15,630 Seconds of Ad time
= $62,520,000 in Revenues*
AGAIN ! $62,520,000 in Revenues*
* Assuming $60,000 per 15 second ad
If you purchased a product from one of the companies on the boycott lists, YOUR money was used to fund Fake News! Even if you didn’t watch it!
Step 1: Join
I know, nobody joins anything anymore. Joining is nothing more than subscribing to get updates. If you don’t get updates you will not remember to come back in two weeks to send out more emails.
Click Here:
Website updated every two weeks.
Step 2: Send Bulk Emails
Tell them why you are boycotting them!
They won’t figure it out!
These woke companies will never know why you stopped purchasing their products unless you tell them!
Step 2 is Emailing the companies and is more important than Step 1!
TAKE ACTION NOW! (Takes less than 5 Min)
Step 2. Very Important!
Please don't skip this step!
First Time Users Video!
Step 3: Boycott
Boycott Companies that Fund
Public Enemy #1! (The MSM)
The companies on this list fund the Mainstream Media with their advertising. If you purchase a product from one of these companies your money funds the mainstream media.
Stop Funding the Mainstream Media!
Click Here:
Complete Boycott Lists
(01/27/25 to 02/09/25)
Website updated every two weeks.
Click Slides below to view videos!
Need More Info?
Watch these videos!
Interested in Stats?
Watch “Bi-Weekly Update”
Is this moral? Justified?
Watch “Why We Suck at Boycotts”
Will it work?
Watch “The Plan to Defund the Media”
Want to help us promote this cause?
Share “90,000 Challenge”
Need Motivation?
Watch “Call to Action, Trump Style
Watch “Call to Action Lara Logan Style
Extra Credit!
Subscribe for update notices. Site updated every two weeks. Come Back Every Two Weeks.
Still Tweet?
The Plan!
The plan is simple, we are going to defund the media. Because they are dishonest and lying to the public every single day. Fake News Programs are making millions of dollars a week to lie to the American People. They can not lie without funding.
The plan has one step… Send out the bulk emails bi-weekly. The emails target the advertisers that support ABC, NBC, & CBS evening news programs. the fact is that if we purchase a product from one an advertiser that runs ads on Fake News programs, a small chunk of OUR money goes into funding fake news… The emails politely ask the advertisers to move their ads to a different time slot.
Contacting all 100+ advertisers will take you less than 5 min…. Take Action Now! Don’t worry, we are not boycotting these companies… yet…. All we are doing is letting them know that we are aware that their advertising dollars are being used to prop up fake and biased news, and that is important fact when we are considering the purchase of their products,